Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Zoe Week: The definition of "guts"

This is a recurring debate between Zoe and I and it's been going on for years. Rather than recount any one conversation, I have summarized into a typical exchange. It goes something like this:

Me: Hey Zoe, I saw one of those girls today who is so skinny you wonder how it's even possible. You know what I mean? Like SO SKINNY you're like, how can there be lungs in there? And a liver? And intestines and stuff? Like, how is it possible that she and I have the same amount of guts.
Zoe: They're not guts, Ella.
Me: Huh? What do you mean?
Zoe: All that stuff in there...it's not called "guts"
Me: What? Of course those are guts!
Zoe: No they're not because they're your intestines and liver and gall bladder and stuff. Not guts
Me: What? Of course those are guts! That's what guts ARE
Zoe: No, because they're inside
Me: What? Of course they're inside. Where else would they be
Zoe: Well they only become guts if they're outside of you
Me: What? No, they're guts inside too
Zoe: No, no, no. If they're INSDIE you they're your organs. If they're OUTSIDE they're guts. And really, they're only guts if they're, like, all mixed up
Me: What are you talking about?
Zoe: You know. Like if you were in an accident and your insides are on the outside and they're all squished up...NOW it's guts.
Me: No, Zoe. I don't think so. I mean, yes, they would be guts in that situation, but they're ALSO guts when they're intact and/or inside.
Zoe: No.
Me: Yes.
Zoe: Ella. No.
Me: YES Zoe. They absolutely ARE! Guts is, like, a collective term for all that stuff in there
Zoe: Yes, if that stuff is outside of you and mixed up.
Me: NO
Zoe: YES! Look, Ella. when everything is inside and not mushed up, you can tell what's what. That's intestines, that's kidneys, that's bladder....but if it's OUTSIDE and smooshed together you can't tell so it's just GUTS!


Me: SIGH. So A-N-Y-W-A-Y....this girl was so skinny I couldn't even believe it.

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