Sunday, 27 March 2011

Super Carter!

By day, he is a mild mannered 3 year old. But all is not at is seems. This seemingly ordinary toddler has several super-hero alter egos, and he's on a mission to make the livingroom a safer place.

This kid is in costume more often than he is not. He alternates between Spiderman, Batman and Iron Man. and it's not just the costume...he is, like, ALWAYS in super-mode. Even when he's just standing in front of the TV he has a super hero stance, legs apart, arms slightly out to the side, fingers flexed, all muscles tensed as if ready for action. Hilarious. Seriously, seriously hilarious. Because it really is, like ALL THE TIME!

I have attached a link to a little video my brother in law out together to demonstrate just how into it he is. As I said, this is constant. Have a great laugh!

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