Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The poops are fighting

Sheesh. Everything is about poop. And bums. It's all day, every day with these two. Especially Gavin.

Summer in the bath, Gavin on the toilet.
Gavin: ERG! Uhhhhhh!!!!
Me: ok there?
Gavin: Yeah, the poop is just fighting in my bum
Me: Your poop is what? Stuck in your bum?
Gavin: No it's FIGHTING. The poops are FIGHTING.
Me: uh....
Gavin: Poops are kind of alive and dey fight sometimes
Me: Is that right? Where did you hear that?
Gavin: Tasha told me.....Mom, you didn't KNOW dat?
Me: Nope
Gavin: Yeah Tasha told me and Tanya told Tasha (Tanya is Tasha's friend and frequent visitor to daycare...also known as ANYA!)
Me: ok then

Bath continues, pooping continues.

Gavin: Mom, how come we don't just poop on the ground like animals and bugs?
Me: Well because if people did that there would be poop all over the place and it would be very stinky outside
Gavin: Well but people could just poop on the road and then just cars could drive on it.
Summer (in the bath): Look Mummy! BUM!

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