Saturday, 16 April 2011

Gavin really needs to get over his shyness

I took Gavin to the grocery store this morning. We're in the checkout, Gavin is clutching his Smarties, I'm unloading the cart, and this older couple get in line behind us. Gavin turns to them:

Gavin (holding out his Smarties): Mom is getting me some Smarties
Old guy: Oh? Were you being good?
Gavin: No. Mom says she's disappointed
Old guy (laughing): Oh really?
Gavin: My friend Jay is coming over after nap to play.
Old guy: Oh? What will you play?
Gavin: Cars
Old guy: What else?
Gavin: Trucks:
Old guy: Oh? You like cars and trucks?
Gavin: Yeah. Dey're pretty cool. And we will play MON-STER CHASE!!!!
Old guy (really laughing at this): Oh yeah? What's that? Is that a game?
Gavin: Yeah! You get a room who is dark and you go up to da room and look in to see if there is any monsters and den you say MONSTER! and den you run away!

Pretty much everyone within earshot is laughing now.

Gavin: Do you play monster chase at your house?
Old guy: No.
Gavin (frowning and serious): Do you not have any fwiends to play with?
Old guy: Nope, just me and the wife and the cat.
Gavin: My cat is name Caillou. He will bite you if you don't stop teasing him.
Old guy: HAHAHA! Do you tease him a lot?
Gavin (totally ignoring this question): Mom says I can have my smarties after my lunch. Daddy is going to make me a peanut budder and jam sammich.
Old guy: Oh! Lucky you.
Gavin: What are you having for lunch?
Old guy: I don't know yet.
Gavin: YAWN! I'm tired!
Old guy: Maybe you should have a nap after your lunch.
Gavin: No....I don't wan have a nap. I wan watch Max and Ruby.
Old guy: Ahh...
Gavin (to the checkout lady): Dese are my smarties. Can I buy dem now?
Checkout lady: Sure (scans them) Here you go!
Gavin: Am I 'llowed to eat dem now?
Me: No. After lunch.
Gavin (frowning): But I eddy-weddy (translation: already) buyed dem!

I pay for the groceries and get ready to head out.

Gavin (to the old guy): See ya later!

Too bad he's so shy!

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