Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The last day before the the first day of school


It's here! What the...? How did THAT happen?  But I JUST gave birth to him like 5 minutes or minus four and a half years.....

Wow. It seems like yesterday I was looking at that faint blue line of the stick and thinking about how one day...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy in the future.....that little faint blue line on the stick would be going to school. Tomorrow is that day. And today is the day before that day and it's the most horrible, nerve wracking, exciting, awful day of my whole LIFE!

Thinking about things is always so much worse than the actual thing...especially for people like me who think things to death. Tomorrow will be fine. Anticlimactic, even. But is the day before the day and all I can do is think:

What if I packed too much stuff for lunch? Or not enough? Or the WRONG kind of stuff and the teacher looks at what I packed and JUDGES me as a parent because I packed a granola bar with chocolate chips instead of grapes? What if I get him to wear jeans and it turns out to be a hot day? What if I put him in shorts and it's cold? What if I forgot to pack something and the teacher thinks I'm a LOSER? .....hmmmmm...... actually it seems to me that maybe I'm NOT all that worried about how Gavin is going to fare. I might be more concerned that someone will think I'm a moron.

No really, I AM concerned for him. He's only 4, you know. And he has concerns of his own. He asked me the other day what if someone calls him a stupid-head? Or what if someone tells him his shoes aren't cool? Or what if he gets lost in all the kids and his teacher forgets who he is and he has to cry and then people laugh at him because he cried at school? ....hmmmmmmmm.....seems like Gavin is ALSO worried about someone thinking he's a moron. Wonder where he gets that?

Ah well, the day had to come. I always knew it would. And it will be ok. Better than ok. He's going to LOVE school and he's going to ROCK French immersion kindergarten!

My dear mother imparted some sage words to me just last evening: It's just another piece in the jigsaw puzzle of life that never ends.......until it ends. YAWP! (crazy eyes)
